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Article Image, Flyboard by ZR

Zapata Racing has achieved the dream of mankind and offers you the first video of Franky Zapata flying on the innovation Flyboard® Air.

Article Image, JetPack Aviation

JetPack Aviation introduces the JB-9 JETPACK - The world's only true JetPack. Exclusive footage of the first untethered JetPack JB-9 flights.

Article Image, Ryan Miller

I recently finished Peter Thiel's book Zero To One. As a whole, this work is an exercise in the type of thinking which, in Thiel's view, leads to a successful start-up. Behind this, however, is the positive idea that we as individuals must create

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Modern cars have been around a long time at least three decades, since the mid-late 1980s. This was the period when the first electronic fuel injection systems and ECUs (the computer that controls the fuel injection and other functions) were ins

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Robocalls are more than an annoyance. They're a threat. Scammers, identity thieves, and other unsavory types use them to target victims. One particularly enterprising band of low-lifes even posed as IRS agents to pilfer $26.5 million from people.