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This Company Is Building Flying Autonomous Taxis That Carry Passengers Over Traffic


Have you ever sat in your car during rush hour and thought, "I wish I could just fly over this traffic and get to my destination faster!"? If so, you're not alone. This exact thought is what inspired the concept of "Project Vahana", a fleet of on-demand autonomous drones built to carry passengers through the skies.

Autoblog relays that the aeronautics company Airbus recently announced its Vahana vision, and is optimistic about testing the flying taxis as early as 2017.

If the giant taxis are a success, passengers will be able to use an app and book passage on the craft to travel to a local helipad in their city. Then, they'd board a CityAirbus drone alongside other travels.

The company says commuters will be "whisked away to their destination" by the self-driving taxis. Luggage, however, would be transported by a separate service.

Credit: Airbus

Credit: Airbus

Another intriguing aspect of this concept is that the Airbus taxis would be about the same price as riding in a regular taxi to one's destination. Considering they're also likely to be faster than a taxi, what would stop one from taking the flying drone instead?

Because humans have not yet perfected self-driving cars, it will still likely be a few years until the giant, floating drones are installed in major cities. However, the idea is intriguing and seems more than likely that someday, a form of floating taxi could be the preferred method of transportation in cities.

