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Washington Post

After enduring the CIA's harshest interrogation methods and spending more than a year in the agency's secret prisons, Khalid Sheik Mohammed stood before U.S. intelligence officers in a makeshift lecture hall, leading what they called "terrorist tutorials."

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Michael Clayton Ernest and Keith Lawson were both arrested in Tuscaloosa County. Authorities said the two men were charged with possession of an explosive device and conspiracy.The Walker County Sheriff’s office said Tuesday it had made two arrests in what it’s calling a murder-for-hire plot that ended with a man injured in a truck bombing.  

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Washington Post

Some 400 officers from state and national security services took part in 19 pre-dawn raids on properties in Melbourne, Australia's second largest city, police said. Four men, all Australian citizens of Somali or Lebanese descent and aged between 22 and 26, were arrested, and several others were being questioned Tuesday, police said.

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McClatchy News

Almost every day for three years, prison guards at one of Saddam Hussein's most notorious prisons tortured Sami Alkarim.

Now, in a cruel twist of fate, the accomplished Iraqi artist is being treated like a terrorist by the U.S., the country where he sought refuge.

U.S. officials have told him they can't give him permanent residency in Denver because of messenger work he did as a teenager for the same political party that counts the current p

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How easy is it for you,your family and friends to now be labeled a domestic terrorist? Take the fun quiz and find out if your now a enemy of the state. What can you do if you are labeled as one. Can you now be jailed forever without even a trail? We answer all these questions and also get the opinion from the fellows from