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Daily Beast

As Arizona Governor Brewer kills ethnic studies, there’s an unexpected force behind the state's awful immigration bill: Mexico's President Felipe Calderon whose war on drugs turned the US-Mexico border into a bloody slaughterhouse, complete with kid

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Veritas Vincit,

It’s considered a strain of swine flu but also combines genetic material from birds and humans in a way researchers have not seen before. Evidence emerged Friday that there is a new flu virus to which many people may have little or no immunity - key

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Drug cartels have grown in power and wealth in Mexico, and have now taken to open war with the authorities, who are finding themselves increasingly outgunned against better funded and supplied adversaries sporting military-grade weaponry. An estimat

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United States State Department

Mexican and foreign bystanders have been injured or killed in violent attacks in cities across the country, demonstrating the heightened risk of violence in public places. In recent years, dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped across Mexico.

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Washington Post

I am a border rat. I've been one since the day I hopped back and forth between countries over a fallen, rusty barbed-wire fence in the woodland along the Arizona-Mexico line some 40 years ago. Since that act of joyful anarchy, I've traveled t