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Voting and Elections

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LewRockwell.Com - Walter Block

I think the "right" to vote (in government elections) should be taken away from women. It should be taken away from men too. (The NYTimes will undoubtedly quote me only on the first of these two preceding sentences).

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

The BFP/Newsbud roundtable takes on the 2016 election. Can elections ever change the system? Does voting the lesser evil result in less evil? If voting isn't the answer, what is? Join Sibel Edmonds, Peter B. Collins, Broc West and James Corbett for t

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Voting is not only a childish abdication of individual responsibility but a declaration of war on your neighbor.

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STOCKTON -- An allegation from the San Joaquin County civil grand jury that election officials waited nearly a year to acknowledge vote-by-mail ballots that were received after a 2014 election are simply not true, according to the San Joaquin County

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Ever since Sen. Ted Cruz suspended his campaign and Donald Trump essentially secured the Republican nomination, certain elements of Conservative Inc. have been flailing about attempting to promote the idea of a third party challenge to Donald Trump a

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If you're a proud voter, I know what you're thinking: "I believe in voting because A.) we live in a democracy, and B.) we have the freedom to, so C.) why not try to change the system from the inside?"

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If you're a proud voter, I know what you're thinking: "I believe in voting because A.) we live in a democracy, and B.) we have the freedom to, so C.) why not try to change the system from the inside?" But what if I told you that voting (and

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Elections in the Philippines can be very funny. The candidates often try to connect with their electorate by taking recourse to singing and dancing. Cutting bawdy jokes and making funny faces or dressing outrageously comes very readily to politicians

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Conservative Party candidate Zac Goldsmith accused Khan of giving "platform, oxygen and cover" to Islamic extremists. He also accused Khan of "hiding behind Britain's Muslims" by branding as "Islamophobes" those who shed light on his past.

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MANILA, Philippines -- Millions of Filipinos lined up Monday in blazing heat to vote for a president that opinion polls show will likely be a foul-mouthed mayor who gained huge popularity with his pledges to kill criminals and end corruption within s

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There're three questions strangers pose to me that cause me to lose hope in the long-term viability of the human race. The first one is, "Did you watch (insert lame TV show or sports game/program here) on TV last night?!" The second is, "Hey,
