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Political Theory

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https://www.theburningplatform.comVia Off-Guardian

The word "democracy" (demokratia) derives from "demos" (people) and "kratos" (power). Literally translated it means "people power." It is the best model of governance ever devised. So it is a shame that no one alive on Earth lives in

Article Image, By Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: Hi, I live in Finland/Helsinki. The Soviet Union attacked Finland in 1939, Stalin was one who arranged a false flag in Manila. A lot of Finnish soldiers and civilians died. But we survived. We Finnish people know Russians extremely well.

Article Image, By Paul Gottfried

When Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz-KDNP alliance swept to victory on Sunday, thereby guaranteeing the Hungarian premier a fourth term with a large parliamentary majority, it proved that a national conservative could win in a Western country.