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Legislative Mischief

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Free Patriot Press

The war drum against Iran beats louder, thanks in part to a ruling from U.S. District Court Judge George Daniels on December 15, 2011 ruling that Iran was linked to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The Eurasia Review reports, “Judge Danie

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In 2011, all 50 states and territories met in regular session and enacted close to 40,000 new laws on issues across the board. Laws do not always become effective on Jan. 1, however. State constitutions or statutes usually establish when they go into

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Associate Professor John Hasnas

Legislative and judicial mischief combine to make outcome of court cases unpredictable. If you can't know the rules, how can you breathe free in your Liberty?! Article is somewhat dated, but still applies.

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youtube (h/t The Agitator)

"Caylee's Law" is a new proposal is gathering signatures across the country. AP reports that at least 16 state legislatures are now considering some version of this law. Will Caylee's law really save any children's lives, or punish irresponsible pare

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Defiant and combative no longer, New York Rep. Anthony Weiner soberly announced his resignation from Congress on Thursday, bowing to the furor caused by his sexually charged online dalliances with a former porn actress and other women.