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Washington Post

The government yesterday awarded AT&T, Qwest Communications International and Verizon the largest telecommunications contract in history, leaving Sprint Nextel out of a deal worth up to $48 billion over the next 10 years.

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A federal judge ordered a permanent injunction against Internet phone carrier Vonage for use of rival Verizon Communications Inc.'s patents. The injunction could cause major disruptions to service provided to its 2 million customers, will take ef

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Radar Online

The lack of Arabic translators in Iraq appears to stem from a Bush Adminstration decision to outsource translation services to private contractors. Called "linguistic support," these companies, two of the largest of which are

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Concerned that a steady diet of TV ads is putting too many pounds on American children, the Federal Communications Commission plans to study links between the ads, viewing habits and the rise of childhood obesity.

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Huffington Post

Another Federal Communications Commission study on the negative impacts of media consolidation came to light Monday after being buried at the agency for at least two years -- the second suppressed FCC ownership study to surface in as many weeks. I

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Selling your old phone once you upgrade to a fancier model can be like handing over your diaries. All sorts of sensitive information pile up inside our cell phones, and deleting it may be more difficult than you think.

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Hackers broke into one of AT&T Inc.'s computer networks and stole credit card data and other personal information from several thousand customers who shopped at the telecommunication giant's online store. AT&T said "fewer than 19,000

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Meow. A district judge has been asked to decide whether that word is a harmless taunt or grounds for misdemeanor harassment. Jeannette police charged a 14-year-old boy for "meowing" whenever he sees his neighbor, 78-year-old Alexandria Cara

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PC magazine

FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell believes strongly in the power of the marketplace, and that consumers have the power to make communications providers deliver what they want. He believes in a role for government when the market fails to deliver desir

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Vital Alert Technologies Inc. signed license agreements with the Los Alamos National Laboratory for Underground Radio, a technology that will provide Through-The-Earth Communication, (two-way voice and text) for first responders, rescue and se

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Cingular Wireless Corp. promised to provide uninterrupted service to AT&T Wireless customers when it acquired that company in 2004, but instead it nickel-and-dimed them and degraded their reception in an effort to persuade them to sign new contracts,

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Telephone polling has long been a staple of political prognosticating and otherwise sampling the tastes and opinions of Americans. But there is a growing potential problem pollsters must confront: More than 7% of US residents rely entirely on cell p

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USA Today

AT&T's relationship with the federal government has been a century in the making. The company was founded in 1885 and over the next century became the nation's de facto phone monopoly. At its peak in the early 1980s, it employed 1 million peo

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Yahoo Business News

CBS Radio announced it has filed suit against Howard Stern, his company One Twelve, his agent, and Sirius Satellite Radio for multiple breaches of contract, fraud, unjust enrichment, and misappropriation of CBS Radio's broadcast time.

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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

People threw up, passed out, were injured, got into altercations and climbed onto sculptures at Martinifest, a semi- formal event organized by Clear Channel Radio and held at the museum, according to several people who attended or worked at the event

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Anyone who considers travel to remote parts of the globe or in a plane as a refuge from mobile phone calls should enjoy it while it lasts, because areas out of reach are set to get connected. A new generation of mobile networks is being built out of

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By JOHN ROLFE - The Daily Telegraph

ONCE the biggest and most profitable company in the country, Telstra managed to eke out a share price gain yesterday by revealing an earnings decline no worse than expected.