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Voting - Election Integrity

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Glenn Jacobs, Letter to Editor

Fred and Sam decided to buy the White House. They didn’t want to go to all the trouble of starting new political parties, so they went out and bought a couple. They kept all the same names, slogans, logos and literature so that very few voters were

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A Democratic state legislator from east Arkansas, his father and two campaign workers pleaded guilty Wednesday to conspiracy to commit election fraud after federal prosecutors said the lawmaker's campaign bribed absentee voters and destroyed ballots

Article Image, by William Norman Grigg

"There’s nothing American about what just happened," protested Nevada Republican delegate Wiselot Rouzard after the convention refused to seat the delegation from Maine. "This is the death of the Republican Party."

Article Image, by Robin Koerner

In a competition, when someone cheats, he gets disqualified. The disqualification does not make the runner-up the winner. Rather, it reveals that the man who appeared to be the runner-up had in fact been the winner all along.

Article Image, Zeke Miller

The Republican National Committee's Rules Committee voted to require written certification that a presidential candidate has a plurality of delegates from five states in order to get a space on the convention ballot — a move intended to provide a war

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Let’s start with some basics: which voting system is best? We use almost exclusively the plurality voting system, which voting theorists have considered the worst voting system for satisfying voters. It is notorious for leading to a choice between “t

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