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Declaration of Independence

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In an early draft of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote the word "subjects," when he referred to the American public. He then erased that word and replaced it with "citizens," a term he used frequently throughout the final draft.

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David McElroy

Act Independently on Independence Day! Be loud and proud July 4th and work the crowds for freedom. This may be our last celebration of the great American Revolution. It is time for another! Live free or die!

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The PatriotJournal

President Obama and the far left Congress are passing legislation that is going to fundamentally change the way we live and will decide whether or not we freeze in the winter or bake in the summer or whether we will be able to put bread on the table or even be able to work. The Cap & Trade bill (the take over of the energy industry), socialized medicine, the take over of the financial system and the auto industry is just the beginning. Next will come natural resources and slowly but surely states rights. In the end we will be forced to rely on government for existence. This is bad, so very bad! The law of the Constitution is being broken. Treason is happening and most of us are trying to pick our jaws off the ground. The scary part comes when the jaw is back in place and the anger starts brewing.

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Dan Hall

Online Entrepreneurs in America take back their ownership of the USA through direct sales of WebSites named: TheirName4Freedom. Hundreds of thousands and likely into solid high millions of individual Americans online are staking their claim in the ne

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Written By:

Since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, america has been mankind’s only bastion of Freedom and Liberty. In recent times Americans have been perverted by people who stood to gain from the perversion.

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Restore the Republic

Bob Schulz of the We the People Foundation for Constitutional Education speaking about his plans to organize a Continental Congress. (Special mention to Phoenix!!)

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