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Hillary Rodham Clinton gained a gritty victory in the Pennsylvania primary over a better-funded Barack Obama, staving off elimination in their historic race for the Democratic presidential nomination. The former first lady was winning 54% of the vote

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McCain to accept taxpayer money to finance his campaign. McCain will be eligible to receive about $84.1 million from the national treasury to run his campaign between his official September nomination at the GOP convention and Election Day.

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The controversial George W. Bush-sponsored poll in South Carolina mentioned John McCain's role in the so-called Keating Five scandal, and McCain says his involvement in the scandal "will probably be on my tombstone." What exactly did Mc

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South Carolina Times (h/t Kurt Hoffman)

The 6th District Republican Party held its convention April 5. The election of national delegates/alternates played a prominent role. I was there and was elected one of three national delegates. So how did I, a small potato, get elected?

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Washington Post

John McCain cupped a fist and began pumping it, up and down, along the side of his body. It was a gesture familiar to a participant in the closed-door meeting of the Senate committee who hoped that it merely signaled, as it sometimes had in the past,

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Bertuzzi, who chaired the meeting, said he did not recognize the group to speak and some members were escorted out by the sergeant at arms. Then about 40 [Ron Paul Republicans] convened in what's known as a "rump convention."

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YouTube / christx45

Nueces County chair valiently fights off a "takeover" by Ron Paul Republicans. [or, did he? Thanks to the wonderful world of 2008, you get to hear exactly what happened via YouTube.]

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Houston Chronicle (h/t jeff)

Their hero may not be the next president of the United States, but hundreds of Ron Paul supporters from across the nation gathered outside the U.S. Capitol for a volunteer-organized Freedom Rally....

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US News & World Report

With momentum building for some form of taxpayer-funded housing rescue, what better time to check in with one of the most ardent bailout opponents, Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas? Excerpts from an interview:

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Are Americans unusually stupid or is it something our president put in the water? ? As millions surrender their homes and sacrifice other standards of our nation’s economic and political reputation to the caprice of the Bush-Cheney imperium, a majori

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