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The pamphlet repackages ideas Clinton has already proposed, such as a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures of subprime mortgages, removing tax breaks for oil companies, investing in clean energy programs, putting new restrictions on credit card companie

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Jeremy Ashton

[H]e who taught that to inherit eternal life we must "love thy neighbor as thyself" would be deeply concerned with the destruction of life in the world today. [I]t is important that we gain gospel insight into the just causes for supporting

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Christian Science Monitor

Republican analysts say it's too soon to suggest that conservatives may not turn out for McCain in November, and that once both parties have presumptive nominees, issue differences will be evident, and Republicans will spring to life.

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From "vast right wing conspiracy" to "We're going to take things away from you for the common good", seven quotes from the Woman Who Would be President. [1:43 video]

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Boston Globe

Elected officials serving as superdelegates have received about $890,000 from Obama and Clinton in the form of campaign contributions over the last three years," the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics reported today.

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The theory among those urging him to run for president is that a businessman who rose from Wall Street to build his own financial information empire might be appealing as a financial crisis worsens.

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Republican campaign dropout Mitt Romney endorsed John McCain for the party's presidential nomination and asked his national convention delegates to swing behind the likely nominee. The two met privately before appearing together at a news confere

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Adventures in Legalland

If the Ron Paul revolution is really about the message of freedom, freedom of each individual man and woman, then let’s keep the momentum going and start doing things that will really bring that about.

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The Conservative Voice / Robert McCain

Bob Barr, who helped lead the 1998 impeachment of President Clinton, is the object of an alliance of conservative[s] and libertarians seeking to recruit the former Georgia Republican congressman as a third-party presidential candidate.