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Central Intelligence Agency

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Article Image by Thomas Knapp

n March 7, the transparency/disclosure activists at Wikileaks began releasing a series of documents titled "Vault 7." According to the New York Times, Vault 7 consists of "thousands of pages describing sophisticated software ....

Article Image, Kelly Wright

Wikileaks has just published over 8,000 files they say were leaked from the CIA, explaining how the CIA developed the capacity to spy on you through your phone, your computer, and even your television.

Article Image,Paul Craig Roberts

Recent developments show how important and necessary websites such as are. The latest Wikileaks release of CIA documents code-named Vault 7 reveal that the CIA has the capability and the intent to mask the cyber-attacks it commit

Article Image,Paul Craig Roberts

The CIA created and accumulated from other sources a huge array of malware and cyber attack capability capable of stealing information from any individual, any government, any corporation, any intelligence agency and either leaving no trace or leavin

Article Image

Say what you will about President Harry Truman, but at least he didn't leave the White House a suspiciously rich man. He also actually went home, to Independence Missouri, and moved into a modest house he didn't own. It was the same house belongi