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Techno Gadgets

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Article Image, By Roberto Baldwin

Even with the somewhat muted (by Apple standards) demand for the iPad mini, Apple still had a fantastic weekend of iPad sales. It seems that even the company’s non-hits are hits. That’s not the case.

Article Image, by Wesley Fenlon

Starships! Warp drive! Teleportation! "Star Trek" has given real scientists more futuristic technologies to strive for than any other piece of science fiction

Article Image

Thanks to the free market of the internet, capitalism, and social media, I am able to be me, and profit from it. It is truly something that makes me thankful.

Article Image, By Amber Williams

The apocalypse edition: Featuring a tiny hand-turbine that's good in a pinch, a jacket for firestorms or nuclear winter, and a stove that can burn almost any fuel.
