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IPFS News Link • Techno Gadgets

OLED data glasses controlled with eye movements

•, By Ben Coxworth

Imagine that you’re a mechanic whose hands are covered in grease, and you’re trying to follow repair instructions. Every time you need to turn the page or advance the screen, you have to put down your tools and wipe your hands. That’s why scientists from the Fraunhofer Center for Organics, Materials and Electronic Devices Dresden (COMEDD) have developed glasses that allow the wearer to flip pages on a digital document using nothing but their eyes.

The glasses are intended not just for mechanics, but also for technicians, surgeons, or anyone else who has a need for hands-free document navigation.

The inside their lenses incorporate a combination of photodiodes and OLED pixels. The photodiodes act as a camera, registering the direction of the wearer’s eye movements, while the OLED pixels combine to form a display that is overlaid on the view through the glasses.