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Economy - Economics USA

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The Liberty Advisor - Tim Picciott - John Sneisen

With 90 years of wisdom under his belt, Mr G Edward Griffin is responsible for waking up millions of people to the false Left Right paradigm, and the evils of the Federal Reserve system. In this show, Tim and John cover a wide array of topics with Mr

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James Neathery -

In this episode of The Banking With Life Podcast, Wayne Jett returns to start a series with James around Wayne's book, "The Fruits of Graft: Great Depressions Then and Now." Classical economics, mercantilism, and a little bit about The Great Depressi

Article Image, By Tim Hartnett

There's no need to worry about the US defaulting on its debt – for the moment, at least. People already get handsomely paid to do that. Most of them have an interest in driving it upwards.

Article Image, By Bill Sardi

Imagine you are on a cruise ship and you secured your valuables with the ship's purser. And later you see the purser hurriedly getting on a lifeboat with canvas bags used for holding valuables. What kind of a signal would that send to you?

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By James Howard Kunstler

You can start to wonder what, if anything, will be left standing of the life we once called "modern" when Christmas 2021 rolls around. Shopping? Motoring? Working? Mingling? Eating? Sleeping? Waking…? Suddenly, everything is coming apart.

Article Image, Antony Davies

For years, politicians have claimed that the rich weren't paying their "fair share." While it's taken a decade or more for voters to catch wind of the truth, people are finally beginning to realize that the rich actually pay far more than the

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We Are Change - Luke Rudkowski -

This report breaks down the global supply chain crunch and devastating economic consequences that are setting up a crash.
