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IPFS News Link • Economic Theory

Is The Economy Being Crashed On Purpose?

•, By Bill Sardi

It would appear to me the ship is about to sink and the purser is trying to take everybody's money with him as he rescues himself.  Now recognize, the purser could say he was just making sure everyone's valuables were saved should they survive the sinking or at least preserve passenger valuables for their heirs, in what would be plausible denial.  Or who knows, maybe he will say it was just a drill.

Now to assess a real occurrence.

Two top officials at the Federal Reserve bank resigned a few days ago over revelations they were extensively trading stocks in 2020 when the FED was spending trillions of dollars to stabilize financial markets.  The investments were permissible under the FED's rules, but there certainly appears to be a conflict of interest.  One of the perpetrators made trades worth over $1 million in 22 stocks and index funds.  These are insiders with advance info about market conditions.

You might come to the same conclusion that "the boat is sinking," as I did in my imaginary story about the purser on a cruise ship.  Who is going to penalize these bankers if the ship sinks?  They know there isn't time for them to be penalized.  What do they know that we don't know?

What other signs do we have of a sinking economy?

There is a country where many of CEOs of major companies took their payouts the bonuses, and resigned, in an unexplained move.  Were they getting off a sinking ship early?  That country is the United States.

A report by Global Research said: "top corporate executives (over 1600 of them in 2020) were dumping billions of dollars-worth of shares in their own companies just before the market completely cratered."  That was prior to the March 2020 pandemic announcement.  Again, what did they know?

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