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Politics: Democratic Campaigns

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The Daily Bell

History is funny and perhaps Hillary Clinton will win the presidency because at a Republican special committee on the Benghazi State Department tragedy she testified for 11 hours.

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Predictably, the 2016 presidential field didn't exactly give a rousing endorsement of President Barack Obama's prime time speech on fighting terrorism.

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Hillary Clinton said on Sunday that the Islamic State had become "the most effective recruiter in the world" and that the only solution was to engage American technology companies in blocking or taking down militant websites, videos and encrypted

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As the crazy protracted carnival of the presidential election rolls forward with ever more outrageous rhetoric, spin, downright lies, and "gotcha" moments, it bears remembering what's on television usually has little to do with reality.

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A new batch of Hillary Clinton's emails made public Monday by the State Department indicate the former secretary of state was worried about whether she had overplayed the administration's Benghazi narrative, blaming the attack on a demonstration over

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In contrast, to most Republican candidates, who have given us general platitudes about "getting tougher on terrorism" or vague promises to use more ground troops in Iraq or Syria, Hillary Clinton has proposed a more concrete program for battling ISIS

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Lew Rockwell - Phil Pepin

People who pay attention to politics would be understandably skeptical that a book about the Clintons could destroy Hillary's presidential campaign. The Clinton political dynasty has survived a long list of scandals.