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Fascists Win Control of Venezuela's National Assembly

Written by Subject: Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Fascists Win Control of Venezuela's National Assembly

by Stephen Lendman

For the first time since Chavez's 1998 electoral victory, US-supported neoliberal fascists won majority control of Venezuela's National Assembly.

With 96% of the vote counted as this is written, Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) candidates won 99 seats, the ruling socialist coalition Great Patriotic Pole (GPP) only 46.

Results for 19 regular and three indigenous seats have yet to be announced. Their results are key. Majority legislative rule alone won't threaten Bolivarian social justice. 

Venezuela Analysis explained if MUD wins 100 seats (almost certain as this is written), it's "able to remove ministers from the presidential cabinet."

If it wins a super-majority 112 or more seats, it can "dismiss Supreme Court Judges," enact constitutional changes ending social justice provisions, and hold a national referendum to recall elected officials, as authorized under the Constitution's Article 72, stating:

"All magistrates and other offices filled by popular vote are subject to revocation (including Venezuela's president). Once half of the term of office to which an official has been elected has elapsed, a number of voters constituting at least 20% of the voters registered in the pertinent circumscription may extend a petition for the calling of a referendum to revoke such official's mandate."

If a majority votes to recall with as many or more voting in favor as voted to elect any candidate, with at least 25% of registered voters participating in the recall election, the individual will be removed from office.

President Nicholas Maduro is MUD's top target. He assumed office in April 2013. A recall election to remove him can be held in spring 2016, a near certainty as things now stand, by no means certain it'll succeed. 

Still, his survival as Venezuela's leader is very much up for grabs. Chavismo faces its stiffest test going forward. Bolivarianism suffered a major body blow, very much at risk going forward.

In announcing electoral results, National Electoral Council (CNE) President Tibisay Lucena said turnout was 74%. With nearly all votes counted, the results are "irreversible."

She thanked CNE officials and electoral observers, calling Sunday "a big day for democracy," more evidence of Venezuela's world's best process, shaming US rigged elections, their outcome always the same, voters having no say whatever.

Sunday's vote was calm, smooth, efficient and peaceful. Polls remained open to accommodate everyone waiting in line. No disturbances were reported.

Opposition legislator Miguel Pizarro praised how CNE officials handled things, saying he and other MUD representatives witnessed it firsthand at various polling stations.

Whatever the final result, "the system is not the problem," he explained. Nearly 100,000 officials presided over polling stations nationwide, including 130 international observers.

Maduro accepted defeat graciously, saying "(t)he opposition hasn't won. A counterrevolution won. The Constitution and democracy have triumphed. We recognize and accept these results."

"A perfect electoral system without a doubt is one of the most marvelous creations of these 16 years of revolution, of transformations and the creation of something new."

Weak economic conditions, high inflation and other major problems contributed to the Great Patriotic Pole's (GPP) defeat.

Maduro stressed "(i)t's not a time to cry. It's a time to fight. The struggle for socialism is just beginning. We are experts in starting over. We came from the streets. We are the people of difficulties."

"A new stage of the revolution must arrive with leadership from the bases - a profound revolution of self-sustainable productivity."

Clearly, Sunday's election changed things dramatically. How they'll unfold ahead remains to be seen. Bolivarian social justice is too vital to lose.

After Chavez's tragic March 5, 2013 death, I and others said Chavismo lives! Bolivarianism is institutionalized. Venezuelans expect no less. They want no part of their ugly past.

On Sunday, they voted against economic hardships and other major unresolved problems. Chavismo now faces its stiffest test going forward. It's up to Venezuelans to preserve what's crucial to retain.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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