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Philosophy: Communism

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It's expected that his words will help his brother Raul to promote some kind of perestroika in Cuba. I actually think that Cuba is not doing too badly for a communist country. For example, its GDP per capita is nearly $10,000, almost a quarter of Fl

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Uncommon Sense

When will Americans begin to realize that communism still has a target on the back of our nation? The communist movement in America went underground for a few decades while they worked on executing the plans they had laid out in the ‘40’s, 50’s and 6

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Written By:

 This is educational to promote Solzhenitsyn but he never wrote anything about fascism. His only subject was monstrous, utterly antihuman genocidal "system" of BOLSHEVISM. Because Bolshevism "took" 100 Millions of Russians

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Big Hollywood/Reason TV

Gorki Águila is blunt in his assessment of Fidel Castro's half century of revolution: "Communism is a failure. A total failure. Please, leftists of the world-improve your capitalism! Don't choose communism!

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Daily Finance

A careful observer of the history of taxation might remind Coca-Cola Co. (KO) chairman and CEO Muhtar Kent that taxes have been used for centuries to create incentives for desired behavior. At a Rotary Club meeting in Atlanta on Monday, Kent employed

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Washington Post

Several years after President Hugo Chávez's populist government had expropriated the property from its longtime owners and begun distributing parcels to small farmers like him to work. Six months after he arrived, Barrera's dream is still just a dream -- his 37 acres are fallow, so he spends his time feeding grain to nine scrawny pigs. 
