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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Communism

Is Obama Smarter Than a Communist? by Wayne Allyn Root

• Wayne's Blog
America loves the hit TV show “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” That inspired me to ask “Is Obama smarter than a communist?” Raul Castro, the leader of communist Cuba, just announced that Cuba is laying off 500,000 government employees. Bravo! It’s about time. Cuba is finally reforming their economy and headed in the direction of capitalism. Like China and the Soviet Union before it, Communist Cuba has finally figured out that everyone cannot work for government- at least not if you want your people to prosper, or your economy to avoid insolvency and bankruptcy.

I only wish we could say the same for America. Incredibly, President Obama is headed in the opposite direction. Under Comrade Obama, America is expanding the number of government employees and the size of the welfare state. Obama must not have noticed that after years of government control of the economy Cuba is an economic basket case, with its citizens living in abject poverty and misery. If he has noticed- and it’s kind of hard to miss- then why is Obama aiming America towards this disastrous Cuban model? Is it purposeful? Or pure idiocy, arrogance and ignorance?

Let’s compare Communist Castro’s economic ideas to our own leader, Comrade Obama’s: