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Philosophy: Conservatism

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Uncommon Sense

“I am president. I’m not king. I can’t do these things just by myself. If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying we’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if the

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Uncommon Sense

If Ronald Reagan was around today he might give the same speech he gave on Labor Day, 30 years ago, with a few changes to reflect the current situation. While a few of the key factors are different the country finds itself in a very similar circumsta

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Uncommon Sense

Today, the NAACP, passed a resolution that condemns racism within the Tea Party movement. Convention delegates approved the resolution Tuesday during their annual convention in Kansas City. NAACP President Ben Jealous has admonished Tea Party lead

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Uncommon Sense

April 20: Deepwater Horizon explodes. 84 days later, the leak continues spewing a much debated number of gallons per day into the Gulf of Mexico (estimates range from 800,000 to 3 million gallons/day). Speculation on the how’s, the who’s and

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Uncommon Sense

As the future of America as we know it hangs in the balance the Obama administration and for that matter, politicians on both sides of the aisle are demonstrating their adherence to and mastery of the “Big Lie” propaganda strategy. The strategy used

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Uncommon Sense

Today, we have a President that does not respect the America that many of us are so proud of. Instead, he is ashamed of American exceptionalism as well as the traditions of patriotism, a representative republic, a free market economy and society base

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Flyover Libertarian

1. Conservatism is an incoherent ideology. 2. Conservatives worship the military. 3. Conservatives are Christians. 4. Conservatives are statists. 5. Conservatives are corporate sycophants. 6. Cultural and social conservatism are abject failures. . .

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