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Education: Private Secular Schools and Home School

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Hello i have been trying to figure out someone to contact regarding this KU issue for months now. I have been missing money for over a year now from KU and no one will give me info regarding it. I need to go above them and talk with someone to get

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Arthur Benjamin is a wizard at math. He wows the crowd by multiplying big numbers — quick, what's 57,682 squared? — faster than you can use a calculator. Here he shares three cool tricks. (The answer, by the way: 3,327,213,124. See how easy it is?)

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It is important to understand homeschooling for what it really is and not what the media and others portray it to be. Here is the truth about homeschool. Homeschooling is not a bunch of religious fundamentalist with huge families secluding themselves from others. This is a media stereotype of homeschool families.....

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Homeschooling is a wonderful way to stay close to your children while helping them become well-rounded adults. It offers you the opportunity to tailor your children’s education to suit your children, your lifestyle, and your beliefs. Schooling at home also gives you a safe ‘home base’ for your children while they explore the people and places around them....

Entered By: Anonymous Watchman
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Homeschooling is a wonderful way to stay close to your children while helping them become well-rounded adults. It offers you the opportunity to tailor your children’s education to suit your children, your lifestyle, and your beliefs. Schooling at home also gives you a safe ‘home base’ for your children while they explore the people and places around them. With the ability to individualize your child’s education, you can truly foster a life long love of learning.