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Entertainment: Outdoor Recreation

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 Meg was my wife - and my life...thanks for including her in your story...we planted many of those stones in the Teton Range where we also scattered her ashes...I miss her every day.  Peter Rork

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Mark Mihal was with friends at the Annbriar Golf Course near Waterloo when he suddenly disappeared into the turf on the fairway of the 14th hole

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Business Insider

As temperatures drop below freezing in much of the northern hemisphere, most of us are dreaming about lying on a warm sand beach, tropical drink in-hand while listening to the waves lap at the shore.


The Continental Divide Bicycle Ride exceeds any other bicycle tour in North America in beauty, spiritual connection, ruggedness, stunning mountains, pristine rivers, wild flowers, wildlife, incredible history, and outrageous people along the way.