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Gun Rights

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What's the big deal about requiring background checks for private firearm sales? If you want to sell your gun to your neighbor, you just telephone the National Instant Check hotline and ask to have your potential buyer checked out . . . right?

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Defense Distributed

DD's longtime payments processor PayPal abruptly began refusing to process our orders and froze up many hundreds of thousands of dollars in our account while they invented a "terms of use review" for our product.

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From the perspective of several owners with decades of experience. Recent news splashes and legal snafus between gun owners and law enforcement/ anti gunners and politicians have led many gun owners to take stances against those individuals who regul

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Over the weekend, by way of the NRA some troubling news spread across the Internet: "Commonly used and unregulated Internet discussions and videos about guns and ammo could be closed down under rules proposed by the State Department, amounting to a

Article Image, Christian Lowe

World famous comedian and movie star Vince Vaughn came out with a double barrel defense of gun rights during a recent interview, calling for guns in schools and arguing the Second Amendment is intended to defend against "the supreme power of a corr

Article Image, By Tim Devaney

The Justice Department plans to move forward this year with more than a dozen new gun-related regulations, according to list of rules the agency has proposed to enact before the end of the Obama administration.

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In the lush forests of southern Germany sits a fenced-in compound of drab white buildings that house a company under siege. Heckler and Koch is one of the most successful gun makers in the world. Its HK416 assault rifle is said to have been used t
