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Entertainment: Movies

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Article Image by Jon Rappoport

Before I jump in, I want to point to a film that hacks away the leaves, the branches, the trunk and the roots of the poisonous tree of vaccination all at once: VAXXED II, directed by Brian Burrowes. I urge you to watch it.

Article Image by Jacob G. Hornberger

Take out your list of movies to watch and place The Last Narc at the top of your list. It's now showing on Amazon Prime. Consisting of four one-hour segments, it will be the most fascinating drug-war documentary you will ever watch. And revealing a

Article Image, Bloomberg QuickTake Originals

August 6 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg Businessweek corners legendary actor, comedian and entrepreneur Dan Aykroyd to find out why "Trading Places" is the greatest business movie of all time.

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