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Voting: Vote Fraud

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Brad Blog

8 Current and Former Executives Named as Co-Defendants, Including former CEO O'Dell and New CEO Swidarski. Class Action Suit Alleges Fraud, Insider Trading, Manipulation of Stock Prices, Concealment of Known Flaws in Voting Machines and Company S

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Associated Press

Gov. Kathleen Blanco has postponed the New Orleans mayoral election indefinitely, setting up a legal battle with voters who filed a lawsuit seeking to ensure the election is held as scheduled.

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by Miriam Raftery (The Raw Story)

A whistleblower from electronic voting heavyweight Diebold Election Systems Inc. raised grave concerns about the company’s electronic voting technology and of electronic voting in general, bemoaning an electoral system the insider feels has been comp

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Associated Press

One of the nation's leading suppliers of electronic voting machines may decide against selling new equipment in North Carolina after a judge declined to protect it from criminal prosecution should it fail to disclose software code as required by

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The U.S. Justice Department has sued Missouri, a swing state won easily by President Bush, for voting violations in the 2004 election, including registering more people to vote in some counties than their entire voting-age population.

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by Charley Reese (

Throw 'em all out. Doing that would even help solve the federal-debt problem. Tossing out a representative or senator before he or she becomes vested in that pearl-of-the-universe retirement system they voted themselves would save taxpayers mill

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The Corporate Mainstream Media may not give a damn about our democracy. Neither might the bulk of our politicians on both the Left and Right side of the aisle. But clearly the citizens do, and even one rightwing blogger who has recently seen at least

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by Miriam Raftery (The Raw Story)

California’s Voting System Panel (VSP) was slated to hold public hearings on whether to recertify Diebold TSX touchscreen machines. The California Election Protection Network (CEPN) invited concerned citizens to speak at the 10 a.m. hearing and atten

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Associated Press

Turns out, the kids rocked after all. Nearly half of all eligible young voters cast ballots in the November 2004 election, raising their turnout rate by more than twice any other age group.

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I know this is what every level of government here in America is using to justify the confiscation of every bit of wealth they can get their hands on before we are able to turn it over to our children and grandchildren. But I just want to know where

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