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Politics: Republican Campaigns

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Something happened to me this week, which suggests that certain enemies hang around to bite you until you or your enemies depart this world. A few months ago Walter Block and I began assembling a list of "Scholars for Trump," which some readers o

Article Image, Donald J. Boudreaux

Dr. Navarro: You write in your document "Scoring the Trump Plan" that "[a]ccording to textbook theory, balanced trade among nations should be the long-term norm, and the chronic and massive trade deficits the US has sustained for over a deca

Article Image, by Justin Raimondo

For all Hillary Clinton's reputation as a policy wonk, her debate performance consisted almost entirely of personal attacks. And while our media is out there proclaiming a Clinton "victory," their evaluation merely shows how distanced they are from

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Former Reagan Budget Director David Stockman joins today's Liberty Report to talk about his upcoming book, "Trumped: A Nation on the Brink of Ruin...And How to Bring it Back." What are Stockman's suggestions on foreign and monetary policy and would t

Article Image By Patrick J. Buchanan

On one of my first trips to New Hampshire in 1991, to challenge President George H. W. Bush, I ran into Sen. Eugene McCarthy.

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