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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

"Before They Exchange Blows": Economic Facts Americans Should Remember in Trump-Clinton De

• by Michael Snyder

Hopefully, somewhere in the showdown for democracy, or whatever one wants to bill it, there will be something tangible or even articulately promising about the future of the American people, who have been economically shafted and continuously denied representation in government that gives away everything to the globalist system of domination.

If anything good ever comes out of the lousy, phony and empty presidential election dog-and-pony show, it will be something to stop the bleeding. Trump's rhetoric has been built around this, and if he were to deliver, it would be important. Hillary waffles lightly on her supposed-opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and occasional regrets about NAFTA, despite a solid career of undermining the American working force and facilitation of overseas sell-offs of industry, infrastructure and economic advantage.

With the impact of the 2008 collapse, and darker clouds still ahead, this election, past the unforgettable faces of professional wrestling, with one hell of a Bad Guy First-Female-President Hopeful and a smooth-talking saleman/SuperHero caricature of American national sovereignty and pop culture – this is the election that will signify whether America dies a slow painful fall from grace, or whether America revives… what is actually delivered after the order is placed is another matter indeed.

I guess there's no reason to mention tuning in to see what happens next, since everybody's already watching. It's about as easy to look away from as a trainwreck.

26 Incredible Facts About The Economy That Every American Should Know For The Trump-Clinton Debate

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