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LONDON (Reuters) - Silicon Valley technology giants such as Facebook and Google have grown so dominant they may need to be broken up, unless challengers or changes in taste reduce their clout, the inventor of the World Wide Web told Reuters.

Article Image, By: Tristan Greene

Google may be based in Silicon Valley, but it is a global corporation with an ideology that relates to China, a Technocracy, rather than the United States, a Republic. Until this perception of Google changes, there will be no restraining them from wo

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In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on 5g, the internet of all things, the smart grid and smart dust all the latest technological advancements that are very dangerous. We cover the new google device home hub, the new facebook portal w

Article Image, Allum Bokhari

An internal company briefing produced by Google and leaked exclusively to Breitbart News argues that due to a variety of factors, including the election of President Trump, the "American tradition" of free speech on the internet is no longer viab

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"On Oct 13, 3:00 CDT I will be doing a 51% attack against the cryptocurrency Einsteinium," began the call-to-arms. As promises go, this one was as bold as it was brazen. The anonymous attacker has promised to assume majority hashrate control of a