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Health and Physical Fitness

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Article Image by The HighWire with Del Bigtre

Mom's Across America Executive Director, Zen Honeycutt, breaks down the groundbreaking study her organization helped sponsor testing 21 of the biggest fast food chains and the horrifying levels of deadly toxins, heavy metals and chemicals they foun

Article Image by John Mac Ghlionn

In the United States, it's estimated that at least 7 million people over the age of 65 have dementia. If current trends continue, by the end of the decade, more than 9 million Americans are expected to suffer from this loss of cognitive functioning

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

With Wednesday being World Diabetes Day, it's worth looking at which countries have the highest number of people with the disease.

Article Image by The HighWire with Del Bigtre

Covid Vax Mandate Ban Passes in TX; Mom's Across America reports shocking findings in fast food; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on The Fall of Bayer, a Tidal Wave of Health Problems in America, and Did the FCC just take over the internet?; Brianne Dressen
