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Foreign Policy

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Article Image by Alasdair Macleod

Following America's withdrawal from Afghanistan, her focus has switched to the Pacific with the establishment of a joint Australian and UK naval partnership.

Article Image by John Limbert

At some time in the future, when officials in Washington and Tehran finally stop yelling at each other and start talking, they will ask themselves: "Why did we waste so much time hating each other?"

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The Trump administration may issue waivers of some Iran nuclear-related sanctions in the coming days as it adheres, for now, to its commitments under the Iran nuclear deal, while carrying out a comprehensive review of its Iran policy.

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Washington Post

The shaky debut last week of a new unity government in Libya brings Western nations, including the United States, much closer to a renewed military mission there, and to a host of obstacles that will test their ability to secure a country gripped by

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The use of the US military overseas seems to have become so commonplace that the Obama Administration can bomb a country with no Congressional input and very little media interest at all.