IPFS John Green

More About: New World Order

National ID for All Arizonans TODAY Unless YOU call your legislator RIGHT NOW

This is an urgent call to action.
Tues 1pm.  It is now too late to call, but you can email.  Use the contact info provided below.
Contact information for your State Reps and State Senators below 
There is no one who is going to defeat this other than YOU.  6 action items. 2 calls to your reps, 1 to your sen.  2 emails to your reps, 1 to your OWN sen.
 This was sent out to the Maricopa County Republican Party Friday...
"LEGISLATIVE ALERT:  HB2632 - immigration; law enforcement; safe neighborhoods AND HB2001 - Obama Healthcare Bill:  HB2632 immigration; law enforcement; safe neighborhoods will be 3rd read on Tuesday, March 23rd at around 1:30 pm. House Speaker Kirk Adams has promised Senator Russell Pearce that it will be heard and voted on. If HB2632 is passed it will be joined with SB1070. SB1070 immigration; law enforcement; safe neighborhoods has the same exact language as HB2632.  SB1070 and was passed by the Senate on February 25. If HB2632 passes the House and since both of these bills are exactly the same, they can be joined and sent directly to the Governor for her signature."
Despite national experts contacting the Arizona State Legislature and advising them that a NATIONAL ID is in the bill, there is no indication that ANY modification has been made to the language of the bill.
Only you can stop it and only if you ACT RIGHT NOW.

It is important that you IMMEDIATELY CONTACT your OWN state rep and state senators TODAY to voice your opposition to this bill (Senate Bill 1070 and House Bill 2632) as it is currently written.  In your phone call and in your email, tell your state senator and state representative to oppose the bill as written.  But to support the bill if they take out Section 2, 11-1051, minimally subsection F and I. 

Here is the contact info for your state reps
Contact info for your state senator
Thank you for your continued vigilance on behalf of liberty.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Nick Saorsa
Entered on:

Did anyone make it there today? I'm itching to find out what happened.

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