IPFS Frosty Wooldridge


More About: Immigration


While the world sends food, water, tents, toilets and doctors to Haiti, most American citizens don’t realize that island’s plight dives deeper than a few earthquakes.

Haiti symbolizes dozens of the world’s countries that live on the edge of catastrophe.  It won’t take an earthquake to trigger their equation into chaos. They live on the edge daily.  For example, nearly one million people in India, out of 1.16 billion, squat out in the open for their morning constitutionals. They create such contamination of their water supplies that 1,000 Indian children die of diarrhea, dysentery and other water borne diseases DAILY.  Nonetheless, India adds 12 million people annually, net gain, on their way to 1.55 billion in 40 years. (Source: www.populationmedia.org)

Over 18 million people starve to death annually around the globe, while, at the same time, humans add another 77 million annually—as if no one notices.  Think again!  Mother Nature notices and she’s taking action with greater harshness.

In Haiti, a spit of land on the ocean, the Haitians, led by the Pope and the Catholic Church, managed to grow their numbers to nine million.  They use no birth control.  They cut 98 percent of their forests.  They drain raw sewage into the oceans.  They suffer 80 to 90 percent illiteracy.  Yet, the Catholic Church mandates as many children as possible. 

Lawrence E. Harrison wrote a profound book, Underdevelopment is a State of Mind, exposing the Catholic Church’s activities around the world. Wherever the church dominates, unending babies, poverty and illiteracy follow.  Haiti illustrates that paradigm. Islam also follows the same mandate.

I interviewed world traveler and Washington DC writer Don Collins and got his take on Haiti’s disaster.  “What do you think is happening in Haiti and around the world?” I asked.

Collins said, “When asked about the level of violent disruption now going on in Haiti, one military man on NBC's Tuesday, January 19, 2010 Today Show said, "Well, it's now at a lower level than before the quake." Today's Matt Lauer then reported that the estimated death toll could reach 200,000.  Then another 6.1 quake early Wednesday, January 20th.  A hard way to reduce violence, eh?”

“Haiti, long a nearly-failed state, will likely fall even lower toward that unenviable condition. Lots of other countries around the world are in the same pickle.  Is Yemen one? Is Afghanistan one? Is North Korea one? Will Pakistan become one? Take your pick!

“Sans earthquakes, many countries around the world are moving toward disasters based on the huge growth of their populations and the mindlessness of their leaders. They either ignore the urgent need for more family planning, or are even pro-natalist leaders, like some my wife and I met on our trip to Africa this past year, wanting more people so their "sort" can be equal in numbers to other "sorts"!

“Traveling around the world for over 40 years, I have personally seen this rumbling tsunami tidal wave of humans rising against resource limitations. It gets worse daily.

“This grisly Haitian situation epitomizes the kind of future that many, including me, have been predicting for years—unless we empower women and give them the means to regulate their fertility. (www.quinacrine.com)

“Fifty-three Haitian youngsters are being given new families in Pittsburgh, PA. Bet you that they will never again see Haiti!

“A friend emailed me on January 19th: "I just saw that the Red Cross has air lifted 2,000 Haitians into Orlando and is planning to bring 45,000 more to Florida with Obama's support.”


“And as Steve Sailer so eloquently suggested in his superb January 17 VDARE.com  piece, Why Haiti Is So Hopeless; And A Very Modest Proposal. He ends his perceptive piece by saying,

"But today, it's hard to find much on Google about Haiti and contraceptives. According to a 2001 World Health Organization report: "Among sexually active women, 13% used a modern method of contraception and 4% relied on traditional methods".

“And the other 83 percent?”

“It appears that Haitian women now wisely want to reduce the number of children they have—Haiti's total fertility rate is said to be down to 3.8 babies per lifetime, the same as Saudi Arabia's. But Haitians need to bring their fertility down to European below-replacement rates for a couple of generations to allow the land to recover—and the people, hopefully, improve their "human capital.”

“Let's make long lasting Depo Provera contraceptive injections free to Haitian women. “Anyone got any better ideas?"

Mr. Sailer, you are really on the right track!

“Talk about Nero fiddling while Rome burned!” said Collins. “Our own leaders have been building up our killing machines for the profit of today's Andrew Undershafts (Major Barbara's father in GBS's 1905 immortal play, who made a huge fortune from selling munitions), while missing the true Trojan Horse of massive immigration into the West.

“The unmet birth control needs of most of the world's women in poor, underdeveloped countries has directly led to the massive migration of persons whose countries can no longer support them.  Ah, Mexico, you are but one of many!

“As for Depo Provera, which is being distributed by Population Services International (PSI) in Haiti, it is an effective method of birth control. But it only lasts for three months and must be renewed by injection at that point. In a place where medical services are scarce, more permanent long-term methods are required.

“My colleagues and I have been working to gain approval for one such long-term method for many years. It is called QS: An Inexpensive, Easily Administered Contraceptive Option for Women. It has yet to be approved by FDA, but certainly would be useful.

“QS (the quinacrine method of non-surgical permanent contraception for women) is one family planning option currently under study that shows great potential. It offers the advantages of being discreet, easily administered and inexpensive, and can it be used in many settings by healthcare providers capable of performing IUD insertions.

“The amount of money now spent worldwide on reproductive services and maternal and child health is a joke—under $1 billion, compared to what we is spent on armaments. Our Congress just passed a $626 billion annual defense budget.

“Another great need is for emergency contraceptives (EC) which FDA has already determined are safe, effective and yet which were, when I last looked, prohibited at Wal-Mart Pharmacies. EC, like other contraceptives, prevents pregnancy.

“Unlike other contraceptives, EC only works within 72-hours AFTER sexual intercourse—after a condom breaks, or a birth control pill is forgotten. About half of all unintended pregnancies occur because of some type of contraceptive failure. It could happen to anyone who is sexually active. In 2000, there were an estimated three million unintended pregnancies and 800,000 abortions in the United States. And we are a developed country, not (yet) a failed state.

“Sort of makes the UN Population Fund's hope seem dim: "All couples and individuals have the right to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have access to the information and means to do so."

“With the election of Scott Brown on Tuesday, Obamacare is at serious if not terminal risk. But if passed it will surely not include paying for contraceptive services for women.

“Our immigration invasion, alarmingly ignored by our own leaders as they grapple ineffectively with our comparatively minor problems, stands only to worsen.”

Look for “Haiti—The Ultimate Symbol Of Planet Earth's Headlong Plunge To Disaster” By Donald A. Collins at Vdare.com


Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border.  In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.  He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges.  He works to bring about sensible world population balance at www.frostywooldridge.com  He is the author of:  America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans.  Copies available:  1 888 280 7715





2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 I don't know why Frosty cares so much about Haiti.  If he doesn't like Haiti, stay the hell out.

Comment by Sheila Newman
Entered on:

Hi Frosty,

Interesting article.  I wanted to say, about your suggestions for contraception, that Haitian women should have a wide range of contraceptive (and abortion) choices and supports for those choices.  As a young woman I would have hated to have had depot provera.  Although many women like it, it can be unpleasant for others. It is in your body for months and if you cannot get it removed, you have to put up with the unwanted effects.   Sure, depot provera should be available, but so should condoms, the pill, IUDs, and the other methods.  The so-called 'rhythm method' or the temperature taking one are not reliable and I would not be supporting them.

The thing is that good birth control programs require good clinics providing information to men as well as women, offering permanent and temporary solutions, and they should also offer support and personal development in the form of groups to encourage solidarity and learning in populations that are severely marginalised.  The Haiti populations are barely literate and it is not surprising that they have little control over what happens to them.  Literacy is the other thing that clinics could provide.

Does the Catholic Church have the ability to actually prevent clinics being established to help with birth control in Haiti, do you know?


If we are going to promote birth control I think we have to promote it properly.  It has to be linked to the good things in life, to personal development and learning and solidarity - all the things the Church as fallen down on as it has sided with big business in a land where much of the land now belongs to foreign corporations and where the problems are greatly magnified on what they were in the 1960s and even in the 1980s.    It's no coincidence.  Populations out of control go hand in hand with corrupt governments and churches and US Aid, I am afraid.

