Matt Sharp

More About: Surveillance

My Dog Is On The Grid !


My Boxer had an appointment this morning at the Desert Hills Animal Clinic for his routine quarterly blood test to test his “Titer” levels, or levels of antibodies in his blood against the Fungus which causes “Valley Fever.” The doctor acted more like a salesman than a vet (like usual), and was making sure he sold me as much as he could get away with. I went for the annual exam (mandatory apparently) since he hasn't had one in a year, and the valley fever titer blood test. As I was leaving and attempting to pay, he said “Oh, wait, when is the last time Diesel had his shots.” I replied that he had the records in his hand, he knows better than me. Of course, he was due for his Rabies, and Distemper blah blah shots. I should have went with my instinct and told him my dog dosen't believe in shots. But, you know I didn't want to look like that irresponsible dog owner who dosen't care about his health. Plus, I figured maybe the vaccine makers don't want to kill dogs as much as humans, so maybe the vaccines are legit.

Anyhow, they take him back and shoot him up with the poison, and bring him back to me. The doctor informs me that if the dog should swell due to the poision, feel free to bring him back so they can give him some more expensive poison to counteract the first poison. At that point I was already feeling guilty for poisoning my dog, and then they dropped the government hammer on me.

The cashier / receptionist handed me a dog license application, and I immediately stated that I have no use for that, and that my dog is a free spirit, and he dosen't need the governments permission to be my pet. The whole time the doctor was still standing at the counter. The receptionist then stated that since my dog Diesel had gotten his Rabies shot, the Maricopa County Animal Control would know he got it and know where to find me. The doctor piped in and stated that “He was required by law to rat out his clients and their animals once they get the Rabies vaccine.” He said Arizona is the only state he has worked in that mandates him to help the animal control generate cash on scam animal tags. The funny thing is that the Rabies vaccination certificate has my pet's state license number on it, and I didn't even apply for it. So, I suppose either

A) The vet logs into the animal control website and gets a number OR

B) The vet is assigned a batch of License numbers for their Rabies vaccines

Anyhow, I wasn't very happy to say the least. I didn't want to make a big scene in the vet's office, however, I will be writing them a letter expressing my dissapoval of their lack of communication prior to shooting up my dog, and informed them I will be disconinuing my patronage. They are under the false assumption that I am another sheep and will blindly and under force donate money to animal control under the guise of “Licensing” my pet. What they fail to understand is that some of their clients don't want to be tangled up in more government bureaucracy when they innoculate their pets. It's not that I don't have $20.00 to “License” my pet. The point is that I don't need and will never seek a government agencies permission to keep a dog, and I damn well won't pay them a dime.

I understand they need money to keep their shelter open and pick up strays and so on. However, I have already done my share. The two dog's I own were adopted, so I've already helped with the stray problem.

Unfortunately for Animal Control, the address the veterinarian will be submitting is my mailing address and not my physical address. C'mon I'm not that stupid. So, animal control can try to send me an invoice which won't get paid should they wish. The problem is that if they did find out my physical address, they would stumble upon not only one unlicensed dog named Diesel but god forbid three unlicensed off the grid dogs. The truth is that my dogs, or should I say the State's dogs that I call my own have been successfully living off the grid for years, and I don't plan to make them swallow the red pill anytime soon. They don't need to know the realities of life outside of their scheduled walks, and occasional swims in the pool.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by june lembke
Entered on:

 White Tanks Animal hospital in Surprise AZ, Turns over to a third party (Maricopa County) what I consider personal client information when Rabies shots are given.  What I want to know is it really a law or is it policy of individual vet  clinics.

I ask because PetSmart (Banfield Pet hospital) gave my other dog rabies tag. White Tanks did not. They said it would come with the County license.  As far as I know Banfield does not report client information to County. Do you think the rule can only control AZ pet hospitals and not nationwide corporations.

If the pet hospital has to report to Maricopa County they should have to disclose that before the Rabies Shot.

I believe reporting information to government on rabies shots will keep people from  getting those vacinations for their pet.  No wonder this state has rabies outbreaks!

I will be getting my vacines at banfield!

Comment by ShadowMyth
Entered on:

This is pretty common actually, even to the degree of cats. Where I lived in the Seattle area, one had to license and get shots for one's cats. Vets also were required to turn you in, just as in your situation. Where I live now, in Colorado Springs, I am not required to license my cats, though rabies shots are required. Technically my cats are not even allowed outside if you can imagine. My cats are on a completely raw meat diet, so their health is excellent, and they have no need for shots. It is redundant we ourselves have to be 'licensed', I sure as hell am not going to do the same to my animals! Just another way to suck us all dry...

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Couple things....

Rule 1) for the things you care about.  Know them.  Then records are irrelevant.  Then you know what is needed for the thing you care about and what other people think they can go stuff you know where

Rule 2) Tony Soprano's rule.  Never ever EVER ever never talk to the government or government snitches.  Yes, I know.  Shhhh.. no.  pssst shhhhhh quiet.  I dont want to hear it.  It's simple.  Never never never never ever talk to the government or government snitches.  Never.  They get to know only the least amount of info possible such as.

I dont know. -or- Oh that dog died.  -and- This is my new dog and here are the shots he needs.

Or get someone else to bring the dog to the vet and name the dog something different.  Tell that person what the dog needs and dont let the vet upsell.

Remember cash and pseudonyms.

Yes it is a racket.  No it's not right.  Bitching and letter writing changes nothing.

Now.... rewatch all seasons of the Sopranos.
