IPFS Scott Decker

Scott Decker

More About: Education: Government Schools

Kumon outperforms public school options

At the end of my youngest son’s year in kindergarten, his teacher came to us and told us our son was behind and perhaps should not move on to first grade.  His mom and I were devastated.  We felt guilty. With our older son, we had home schooled him and enrolled him in a small private kindergarten that emphasized math and reading skills. But then we were poor college students with more time than money.  Later we both had careers, more money, but less time, so we just enrolled our youngest in school and assumed everything would be fine.

After hearing the bad news, we took our younger son to a private education specialist for testing.  Although he is very smart, he was a little academically “immature” compared to others his age and would likely benefit from special tutoring.  The specialist recommended something we had never heard of – Kumon.

Read the rest of the article here.
