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Globalist "Guru" Claims Trump's Re-Election Will Mean 'The Death Of Global Order&#

•, By Brandon Smith

He is infamous for his Ted Talks and summit speeches declaring the coming abandonment of personal individualism and independence while elevating AI as the harbinger of a new technological religion.  He joyously preaches about the fusion of AI technology with the human body to give certain elitist groups the power of "gods." His notions of the supposedly infinite abilities of algorithms to influence culture and politics are so overblown they enter into the realm of children's fantasy.

I mention Harari often in my work because I believe he is a kind of litmus test for the true intentions of globalists.  He's a lot like Henry Kissinger in his New World Order zealotry – He has a hard time keeping his mouth shut about the greater agenda and this works to our advantage.  If you really want to know what the elites plans are, look up past discussions by true believers like Harari.  When they start preaching their dark gospel they can barely control themselves.

Harari's writings are replete with calls for digital authoritarianism and global government. I examined his power-obsessed philosphy and his moral relativism last year in my article 'Governance By Artificial Intelligence: The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny.'

It's important to understand that Harari's ideology is common among the globalists and the only thing I can accurately describe it as is "Luciferianism" – A narcissistic belief system that claims CERTAIN human beings can become gods and should be worshiped as gods. Harari and many globalists seem to think AI is their ticket to godhood.  I would compare them to the corrupt high priests of ancient cultures like the Aztecs who used their secret knowledge of mathematics and the movements of the planets to predict solar eclipses and terrify the peasants into compliance.  AI is the new solar eclipse; the great serpent eating the sun.
