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7 Ways to Prepare Your Kids For the Coming Crisis… How to Set Them Up to Thrive

• by Maxim Benjamin Smith

Today, we're publishing an article written by 18-year old Maxim Smith on how to prepare your children for the difficulties ahead.

We urge you to read what he has to say…

Western civilization has been circling the drain for decades, but the time is coming where much that we now take for granted will be flushed away.

Mass migration, rapid devaluation of the dollar from inflation, a dying culture, ever increasing government controls, crime rates…we've got a lot to deal with.

I'm sure you've been preparing yourself for it by buying guns, securing hard assets like silver and gold, and getting out of dodge by moving to rural areas or even leaving the country…

Many of your own preparations are meant to shield your kids from what may come (i.e. violence, culture wars, market crashes, war, travel restrictions). That's all good, but what are you going to do to prepare your kids? Disasters may be in route, but your kids still have a long life to live. How can you empower them to thrive?

Imagine you knew the Covid hysteria was coming in advance, how might have you better prepared your kids for that? The age of difficulty is upon us. You see storms on the horizon. How do you prepare your kids to thrive?

Well, I've compiled a list of 7 things you can do to set your kids up for success moving forward.