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IPFS News Link • World Economic Forum

Maggot Milk New Dairy Alternative -- Another Threat to Our Food Sovereignty

•, By Paul A. Philips

Billy Boy Gates is up to his tricks again to "save us." This time it's in the form of funding the production of maggot milk derived from black soldier fly larvae or maggots. Maggot milk ("EntoMilk") is planned to be introduced into the main food supply chain for human consumption in countries such as the United States.

Its developers, a South African-based company, claim that EntoMilk is a "rich and creamy liquid which looks and acts just like dairy…" The company also makes maggot-derived ice cream.

"You shall eat and now drink ze bugs."

Bill Gates and his World Economic Forum associates justify the need for EntoMilk as an alternative by claiming that conventionally farmed dairy milk should be replaced as it contributes to "destroying the planet" through "climate change."

They argue that economic, viable, insect-derived food and drink alternatives don't give rise to greenhouse gases. Hence the statement in the EntoMilk promotional video: "The world needs alternatives to survive."

In other words, according to Bill Gates, the WEF and other globalist associates, insect-derived food products replacing meat and dairy as dietary staples is the way to go forward: A viable solution when it comes to feeding a growing world population, solving the so-called climate change-related survival issues…

Aw you've got to be kidding. They must be having a laugh at us over this!

Further, the promotion and consuming of fake meat products (plant-based, lab-grown substitutes…) also ties in with the above: The push for both the consumption of fake meat and insect alternatives are consistent with the green agenda.


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