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Reason / Jesse Walker

At any given time, the base of a political party—often, but not always, the opposition party—is apt to grab hold of a conspiracy theory that's considered déclassé in Washington. Sometimes the idea has at least a grain of truth; other times it's simply ridiculous.

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What conspiracy buffs are doing is taking any world event and retroactively declaring it to all be part of the Secret Plan. Economy booming? Of course, that's part of the secret plan to make the corporations control all wealth. Economy collapsing? Of course, that's part of the secret plan to destroy capitalism.

If it rains, it's because the Trilateralists want a flood. If it doesn't, it's because they want drought. And both are held up as proof after the fact, so as far as they're concerned, they've got proof out the ass.


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 This sort of principal trading is outrageous and in this sort of volume amounts to market manipulation writ large. Like all manipulation it can only work for a certain (but impossible to determine in advance) amount of time, and when it fails...

Home Grown Food