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Climate Change

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That's not an oversight. Telling people to give up burgers doesn't poll well. Ben Adler, an urban policy writer, explored that in a December 2008 article for the American Prospect. He called environmental groups and asked them for their policy on meat consumption. "The Sierra Club isn't opposed to eating meat," was the clipped reply from a Sierra Club spokesman. "

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Paul Driessen

Only a world-class narcissistic lunatic could take credit for the sun and empty your wallet for the privilege of being slapped silly.

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Wall Street Journal

A landmark climate bill narrowly passed a key procedural hurdle in the House Friday, a sign that leadership may just barely have enough votes for final passage later in the day. Republicans said the bill included the largest tax increase in American history. It passed by a vote of 217-205. To ensure final passage, the bill needs 218 votes. Passage of the controversial bill will hand Democrats and President Barack Obama a major victory on a cornerstone administration policy. It would also give Washington strong bargaining leverage ahead of international climate negotiations later this year.
