IPFS News Link • Animals and Pets

Can Dogs Protect You From Grizzly Bears? Science Says Yes.

• arclein

Young's study placed five livestock guardian dogs (LGDs) at four farmsteads in northern Montana with "a chronic history of bears accessing grains and other attractants next to their homes," and kept dogs away from five similar farmsteads as a control. When I talk about using my dogs to ward off or potentially fight a bear, I'm often met with skepticism. Surely even a 125-pound ancient livestock guardian dog like Teddy couldn't take on a 500-pound-plus griz, right? So I also asked Young to explain that dynamic. "It's like watching two frat boys shout 'Hold me back, bro,'" she illustrates. Both species avoid physical altercations through instinct. A dog's scents, barking, and presence are enough to force most bears to turn tail.
