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News Link • Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Ends 80-Year-Old PetroDollar US Agreement and Joins China-Led CBDC Coalition

•, Health Impact News

Journalist Brian Shilhavy collected articles that show that Saudi Arabia is not only ending its agreement with the United States that established the US Dollar (USD) as the world currency used to purchase Saudi oil, but that Saudi Arabia has joined the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Project mBridge, a China-dominated central bank digital currency (CBDC), which indicates that its oil will be traded in CBDC. 

Countries that hold the world reserve currency benefit by economic stability and when asset prices rise, their Treasury bonds are perceived as safe. The US/ Saudi deal gave the US the power to control the world's energy. 

After the USD was taken off the gold standard, the USD was pegged to oil through a contract with Saudi Arabia that required the oil to be purchased with USDs. The Saudis did not renew the contract that expired on June 9, 2024. The petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the US included a promise from the US to protect Saudi Arabia militarily, and also contained provisions for establishing the State of Israel in 1948. The Saudis have aligned with the BRICS nations and a strategic partnership with the US appears to be doomed due to US support for Israel, as the Jewish state refuses to accept a path toward Palestinian statehood in exchange for normalized ties with Saudi Arabia.