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Millionaire Biden Treasury Secretary Yellen Gaslights Americans On High Grocery Bills

•, by Kelen McBreen

Asked if she'd been to the grocery store lately, Yellen answered, "I sure have. I go every week."

"It's sticker shock, isn't it?" asked the Yahoo journalist.

However, Yellen surprisingly replied, "No."

Meanwhile, grocery prices under the Biden administration have risen around 20%.

During another portion of the interview, Yellen suggested Donald Trump's tax cuts resulted in "an enormous increase in the deficit and lowered tax revenues below historic norms," adding, "I think it's responsible for many of the problems that we face now with our fiscal trajectory."

On Wednesday, Yellen's economist husband George Akerlof joined fifteen other economists in a letter warning another Trump administration might "stoke inflation."

The Yellen interview and letter signed by her husband are just fearmongering attacks on the Trump campaign by establishment hacks in the field of economics.