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'Cruel' Fauci is condemned for spending $2m on experiments which saw beagles 'de-barked*


A group of 24 bi-partisan lawmakers are demanding answers from Dr. Anthony Fauci after a nonprofit claims he permitted experimental drug testing on dogs

The White Coat Waste Project alleges that Fauci sent $375,800 to a Tunisian research lab where beagle puppies were force-fed a new drug

The report claims they were also locked in cages with sand flies that ate them alive and underwent a de-barking procedure to keep them quiet

The nonprofit has also revealed three other experiments involving beagles that were allegedly funded by Fauci 

The lawmakers have called the experiments 'cruel' and a 'reprehensible misuse of taxpayer funds' 

They expect Fauci to answer to the alleged misdeeds by November 19 

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