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David Knight Interviews Author David Hughes on his new book: Wall Street, the Nazis, and...

• by David A. Hughes And David Knight

Wealthy US families sponsoring the rise of the Nazi war machine; "fascism" and "Marxism"; technocracy; the deep state; transhumanism; good vs. evil; and learning the historical lessons of Nazi Germany

Many thanks to David Knight for inviting me on his show to discuss my new book, Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State. In a surprisingly light-hearted conversation (given the subject matter), we got into:

The Harrimann-Bush connection to the Nazis.

Ex-Nazis in positions of power after 1945.

The Bank for International Settlements.

The role of Ford, Rockefeller, Du Pont, et al. in financing Hitler and the Nazis – without which the Nazi war machine and World War II would not have been possible.

The failed "Business Plot" (1933/1934) that would have brought fascism to the United States. 

An attempt to create a global form of totalitarianism in response to a major crisis of capitalism – today as in the 1930s. 

Is fascism still a useful term today?

The widespread misuse/abuse of the term "Marxism" today, and the inability of almost everyone to understand Marxism after the Cold War and five decades of neoliberalism. 

Attacks on the working and middle classes in 1930s Nazi Germany – and again in the West since 2020. 

The attempt to export technocracy from China to the West. 

The transnational deep state, formed in the 1940s, and the now the most influential actor in world affairs, as revealed by the transnationally synched response to the staged "Covid-19" crisis.
