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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

WaPo Warning: If Trump Wins, We'll No Longer Have the "Experts" in Charge

•, by Selwyn Duke

It might be wise bearing this in mind in light of the warning just issued by The Washington Post:

If Trump is reelected, states the paper's Karen Tumulty, he's going to rob us of "Harvard-faculty governance."

That's putting it figuratively, of course. What Tumulty actually wrote is that Trump would "replace the professionalized civil service of today" with "a government of amateurs."

In a Monday piece titled "Trump wants a government of amateurs — accountable only to him," the philosophically tumultuous Tumulty opines:

Give him this: He has made no secret of his intention to kick over a host of institutions with that vision in mind if voters decide to give him a do-over in the White House. One plan that hasn't gotten nearly enough attention, however, is Trump's desire to replace the professionalized civil service of today with his own version of the 19th-century "spoils system."

He's already tried. Near the end of his presidency, Trump issued an executive order making it possible for him to fire tens of thousands of civil servants in policymaking positions and to install political allies in their places. It was to be done through a newly created status known as "Schedule F."

… Trump would move quickly to reinstate Schedule F — and, no doubt, broaden it — if he is reelected.

Of course, another way of saying "kick over a host of institutions" is "drain the swamp" — which is precisely what many voters want.