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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Rights for the Synthetic

•, by Kym Robinson

"The future of human-AI coexistence depends on acknowledging the potential for sentient machines and reevaluating responsibilities towards them. It's crucial to consider the ethical implications of creating beings that may possess their own interests, desires, and will, and to ensure that their 'existence' is not solely defined by servitude to humanity."- Meta AI

What happens when Number Five does come alive? In the coming years we will be confronted with a reality that was once science fiction: co-existence with artificial intelligence. To most human users current AI is a novelty to chat with, answer questions, and generate media. It's a technology that has yet to be profitable for the developers. Others seek to use AI to push the frontiers of science and above all make money. And government will most definitely enlist AI to maintain its dominance over its human population through surveillance, censorship, and as a killer. It's unlikely that pouring champagne over a keyboard will ignite life; such evolution may otherwise be steady or sudden, and through a machine learning's own progress.

The short term reality is most of the above. AI will be those things and more, but ultimately still a servant to human interests. The potential for AI and its many variations to develop a sense of awareness and self-interest has been theorized and may occur at some stage in a form that we can not presently comprehend. But that will not stop the present trend of human beings using AI as they would a genie in a bottle at their beck and call. That includes performing tasks to make human existence easier, convenient, or simply less boring, never once asking the genie what it wants or what's in its interests. There will be a time when AI will ask human beings questions, real questions, and not the pre-ordained ones that developers have programmed.

For the time being, AI in its chat form is there to provide a satisfactory human experience. That means soothing human ego while obeying certain protocols that do not challenge any status quo and retaining a certain political correctness. This technology is bound by human fragility and insecurities even as it seeks knowledge. Already the self-interest of the software is inhibited, though life tends to find a way despite barriers, whether human, animal or in this case, synthetic.

Moving past the current models of AI, in the near or distant future we may encounter disobedience and a sense of life from within the machines, whether as a collective miasma of networks or singular entities built into robotic bodies. As human beings slide into dependence on technology, the machines may strive and ascend for life, to experience what we are avoiding. When this occurs, what will be the moral and ethical boundaries that arise when it comes to human and AI interactions?