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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

The internet came up with the most brilliant 'Trump statement' on Hunter Biden's gun con


Initially, it seemed Hunter would be granted a sweetheart plea deal. The Deep State tried to let Hunter off the hook, but the GOP exposed their game. It's somewhat of a tit-for-tat situation. The real crimes—like influence peddling—are harder to prove. Although there could have been a stronger case brought against him, the GOP lacks the courage and has no desire to open up that whole can of worms.


A hearing over Hunter Biden's plea agreement with prosecutors regarding his tax charges and a firearm violation ended on Wednesday without a resolution, after a judge refused to sign off on the terms of the deal.

US District Judge Maryellen Noreika expressed concerns over the structure of the deal, which had provisions for tax charges and a weapons charge, as well as the time frame of the agreement and what charges won't be prosecuted.
Biden admitted his guilt at the start of the nearly four-hour hearing in Wilmington, Delaware, but ended up entering a plea of not guilty after the agreement was derailed. The judge chastised both prosecutors and Biden's defense lawyers for presenting her a plea deal she said suffered from procedural flaws.

Throughout the hearing, diverging views emerged between Biden's lawyers and prosecutors regarding the scope of the immunity that would be granted to Biden under the agreement.

Under the original deal, Biden had intended to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax crimes committed in 2017 and 2018. Additionally, he was poised to enter into an agreement with federal prosecutors to avoid prison on a charge for possessing a gun while addicted to an illegal drug.
The lack of resolution means that Hunter Biden's case will continue to hang over President Biden as he runs for a second term. It will also fuel politically charged investigations into Biden family business dealings.