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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Unraveling The Mysteries & Dangers of Prions



Dr. Tenpenny was one of the first people to say this in 2021 when she wrote 40 Mechanisms of Injury. Long ago, she said that injecting synthetically made SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into the entire population greatly increased the risk of long-term side effects, and that risks of developing an autoimmune illness will remain for an unknown period of time. With B-cell priming and  irreversible genetic manipulation, the risk for developing chronic illness is great.  The spike protein can bind to the surface of the vaccine recipient's cells. This spike protein then becomes a potential receptor for other more aggressive or more dangerous infectious agents. SARS-CoV-2 is the only coronavirus with a prion-like domain found in the receptor-binding domain of the S1 region of the spike protein. SARS-CoV-2 demonstrates a 10- to 20-fold higher affinity for ACE2 receptor, their primary binding site, than SARS-CoV and other common coronaviruses.

Dr. Tenpenny was right and sadly we are seeing unprecedented levels of chronic and autoimmune diseases. As prion disease become more prevalent.  Here is your opportunity to increase your knowledge and understanding of prions and their potential threat to your help.  Investigative Journalist Maryam Henein recently published this piece on her prion research and we are reprinting hit here for you.

Maryam's Article

For the past several months, I have been researching prions in the cervid population. I am still in the information-gathering phase, but I first touched upon misfolded proteins in my eBook, UNDERSTANDING THE MECHANISMS OF THE COVID-19 "VACCINES."

Is the spike protein a self-replicating amyloid? We will get into it in tomorrow's show.

Dr. Kevin McCairn is a 25-year veteran of clinical neuroscience, specializing in movement and neuropsychiatric disorders in non-human primates. He was the Principal Investigator at the Korea Brain Research Institute. His notable contributions to the field include the discovery of brain network pathologies in neurodegenerative conditions, e.g., Parkinson's Disease, and how deep brain stimulation (the gold-standard surgical treatment) works to treat Parkinsonian symptoms.